
Vocational Education and Training



Vocational Education and Training (VET) enables students to gain qualifications for all types of employment, and specific skills to help them in the workplace.

Student achievement in accredited vocational education qualifications is based on industry-endorsed competency standards and is recorded in the student's learning account. These qualifications are recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework​ (AQF), and this may give advanced standing towards a traineeship or apprenticeship and/or credit on entry to courses at TAFE Institutes and other Registered Training Organisations.

VET Qualifications contribute to the Queensland Certificate of Education if the required standard is reached.

​Mackay State High School offers the following VET subjects to students: 

Year 10

Year 10 students may enrol in a VET Course offered by an external Registered Training Organisation. See Mrs Veitch for more​ details

Years 11 and 12

Students may have the opportunity to enrol in the following courses as an elective in Year 11 and 12

  • FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

Mackay State High School also offers the following VET Certificates in partnership with Binnacle Training (RTO Number 31319)​,  Connect 'n​' Gro​​w (RTO Number 40518)​​,​ ABC Training (RTO 5800)​, Civil Safety (RTO 32381) and BluePrint​​​​​​ (RTO Number 30978)​.​

All students are provided with a printed VET Student Information Handbook (PDF, 226KB) on enrolment in a VET course.

Further details about each Course is contained in the Senior Curriculum Guide (PDF, 2.299MB).

Mackay Engineering College

Year 11 and 12 students are also able to enrol in a VET course at the Mackay Engineering College (RTO Number: 31399).  Places in these programs are subject availability and require students to attend the CQUniversity campus one day a week, as well as complete a Work Placement block. 

The following Certificate Courses are offered through the Mackay Engineering College.

  • MEM20422 Certificate II Engineering Pathways
  • AUR20720 Certificate II Automotive Vocational Preparation
  • UEE22020 Certificate II Electro-Technology (Career Start)

Information on these courses is available in the Senior Subject Guide (PDF, 2.99MB)

Applicants need to complete the Mackay Engineering College Application Package (PDF, 412KB)

Information on applying is contained in the Mackay Engineering College Enrolment Guidelines (PDF, 182KB)

Start TAFE Now – CQ University

Year 11 and 12 students are also able to enrol in a VET course as part of the VET in Schools Program through CQ University (RTO Number:  40939).  Students attend their VET course at CQUniversity one day per week, and attend Mackay State High School on the remaining four days.

Unique Student Identifier

The Unique Student Identifier (USI) was introduced nationally on 1 January 2015 for all students studying VET qualifications.  The school is not permitted to issue Statements of Attainment or Certificates unless students have a USI recorded with Mackay State High School.  . 

Instructions for obtaining a USI are listed in How to get a USI (PDF, 161KB).

After students obtain a USI, they must provide the Senior Schooling Office with the USI number using the USI Collection and Verification Form (PDF, 256KB)

​Complaints and Appeals Policy

Mackay State High School has a Complaints and Appeals Policy (PDF, 54KB) that applies to all students studying a VET course.

For further enquiries about Vocational Education and Training, please contact:

​Sharon Barnard

Head of Department – Vocational Education and Training

4957 9134  


Dianne Veitch

Transition Officer

4957 9152


Last reviewed 19 March 2025
Last updated 19 March 2025