Mackay State High School is led by our Principal, four Deputy Principals, three Heads of Years, ten Heads of Department and a Head of Special Education Services. We also have six Year Level Coordinators and a Student Services team comprised of two Guidance Officers, School Based Youth Health Nurse, Chaplain, Community Education Counsellor, Social Worker and a Youth Support Coordinator.
Heads of Year (HOY) work closely with Deputy Principals and Year Level Coordinators in managing student behaviour standards and extra curricular activities.
Head Of Year 9 & 12 - Jim Laidlaw
Head Of Year 7 & 10 - Matt Skinner
Head Of Year 8 & 11 - Sarah Purnell
Heads of Department (HOD) are responsible for the management of their department in helping achieve the aims of the school. The HOD leads a team of teachers in the delivery of the curriculum.
Senior Schooling & Vocational Ed & Training - Sharon Barnard
Teaching, Learning and Performance - Dianne Watt
English - Claire Blessas
Mathematics - Jasmin Huxley
Science - Kylie Anthes
Humanities & Social Science - Roxanne Aprile
Health & Physical Education - Brett Watton
Technologies - Kimberley Patti
The Arts - Mia Luxford-Parkes
Digital Technologies - Kylie Stanger
Special Education Services - Majella Hoffmann
Year Level Coordinators address the welfare needs of students in a specific year level while encouraging their participation in all aspects of school life. Areas of concern for Year Coordinators are uniform, attendance records, behaviour in areas outside the classroom and pastoral care.
Mackay State High School Student Support Team
If you wish to contact any of our staff you can do so by emailing and insert the teachers name in the subject area. This will then be forwarded directly to the appropriate teacher.